Link building is not just one of numerous SEO strategies that are employed on the World Wide Web today; in fact, it is crucial to the success of any website trying to compete in the technological age. Even if you have no other SEO methods in place, your site should at least work on building a reliable base of back links.

Why are backlinks so important to the success of a website? For starters, having relevant, reputable sites linking back to a site is one indication of the success and popularity of that site in the eyes of the general online public. And as long as these incoming links are from a quality source then the website’s page rank will improve, thus improving its location within online search results, as well.

How to define a quality backlink? There really is no true definition or standard to be used in determining whether or not a site can be considered high quality – you’ll just have to use your best judgment on this one, as well as a little bit of trial and error. The more popular and well-established sites will obviously be of the highest quality, though it can sometimes be difficult getting your link posted with them. The relevance of the websites that are providing you with back links is important too. If these sites have content that is similar to yours then they are likely to be more beneficial when compared to some random, off-topic website.

If you already have customers, link building is not that hard to achieve. Here are some ways to get links from customers that you already have :
  • Testimonials
    You may have some customers who sent you letters of praise and appreciation; you may have also used sections of them on your website as testimonials. If they are other businesses, they will probably appreciate the mention of their names on your website. It is like free advertising to them.
    Go back to those people and ask for a link. It is as simple as that. Chances are they would be happy to supply it. Tip: Make sure your call the webmaster of the company instead of sending him or her an email--webmasters get lots of requests for links and often they just throw them out.
  • Article Writing
    Getting links may involve a little more work for some of your customers. If you supply scrubs to a medical clinic, for instance, it may be somewhat unprofessional to just slap a link on their website to yours. Instead, offer to write an article for them on how scrubs help a clinic stay sterile, and include a link to your website (with permission of course).

That's about link building from me, I hope it can give you all some input for consideration. See you on the next article.

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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    site nya bagus, jangan lupa mampir ya